About Finances


Sample with 3 free chapters!

Also available in Audiobook format!
Enjoy and download the 3 FREE Chapters!

1. Introduction – here
2. Money is very Spiritual – here
3. Is it taboo to talk about money in the Church? – here

  1. Chapter 1. Introduction Jorge Tadeu 2:32
  2. Chapter 2. Money is very Spiritual Jorge Tadeu 6:40
  3. Chapter 3. Is it taboo to talk about money in the Church Jorge Tadeu 12:51

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Never follow the advice of a person who has failed in life.

There are people who are unsuccessful in their financial lives and who still want to tell others how to be prosperous.

Listen, to a successful person in that area.

The most successful man on Earth was Jesus Christ.

When Jesus was at a party and the wine ran out, Jesus turned the water into wine. Is not this a success?

They needed their needs met and Jesus provided for them.

This is being successful.


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